Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Top Floor, Please.

   One of my darkest secrets I have never revealed to the world is that I suffer from Manic Depression. This on two separate occasions has come close to ending the life I lead today. Something I tell people is that I have in fact seen how deep I am willing to go. I have in previous blog post mentioned this.

   Depression is something that runs in my family. As well as many other afflictions of the brain do: Schizophrenia, Dementia, and Alzheimer's. We really did get crap luck on the mental facilities. This doesn't mean that I haven't questioned mental health down the road. It's a question that once in a while pops up.

   So, I really exercise my brain. I am a fan of crosswords and puzzle games. I do as well love to read.  I feel I do well at these task. To say the least. It's a question that does both worry myself and even more so, make me take precautions. This is a good reminder for someone of my mental constituency.

  One of the reasons I am writing this. Being a heavy need to check my mental state. Everyone should. It's a good way to make sure you have been making fair and important judgements with the best of your ability. Nothing is wrong with a mental check up!

  I'm sure the main question that has at least passed your mind has been: do I have depression attacks? I do indeed. In moments when I am alone and at night. Especially in the winter time. All of these being key times when depression occurs.

   "Winter time is not for the lonely. It always hits to the heart." - "Winterheart" - Niki and the Dove
  Being left alone with my thoughts; sometimes it devours me. I have a good deal of insecurities that do in fact haunt me. Failure, trust, and relationship type things. These thoughts do cross my mind.

  My grandmother always said "Busy Hands aren't Idle Hands." That's really how I deal with my depression. I really take initiative and do a task to keep my mind busy. That's why crafts and art are in my resume.  Sometimes it can be a little much to bear. It does get me down. Sometimes it's even an uphill battle.

  It's something that plagues a better part of the US. In a society where so much is put on perfection, fitting in, and gender roles. It's a no brainer why it exist on such a large scale. 

  Some may say that medication would be a route I should consider. I honestly I lived 25 years with such an affliction and have taken measures necessary to combat it. I feel that I shouldn't deviate from a path when methods exist in place, and work.

  Many great people have existed on this planet with such issues and illnesses. They have as well made great people out of themselves. Take C.S. Lewis for example. He wrote beloved children's books while being Schizophrenic. It should never be looked down on when such achievements exist. So, I do not look at this affliction as a curse. More so, as a way to work towards being a better person. By overcoming my weaknesses.


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