Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Privilege, The Forethought, and the Aftermath.

      Life has many things to offer; at least that is what I was always told growing up.  "You can be whomever you want to be.", "You can do whatever it is you want to do.", "You can live life as you deem fit.".  All common phrases that honestly played homage to an ideal state of mind.  Adolescent stupidity is more like it.  The innocence we have growing up,  that is just a crock of bull to even associate that to anything modern society throws at any one.  Innocence is just some melancholy way of saying you are in denial over everything you set to do, because you are judged because of who you are, where you come from, and/or who you love.
      Honestly, I never think about things as they happen, I usually process them afterwards because I act quick on my feet but it's a reflex.  I never believed that being who I wanted to be would persecute me for life.  I realized this early on and I accepted it.  Mainly, you would just expect people to be decent to a point. Though, when their our outlets that exist in this world that can stigmatize a single idea for being different from the "normal" things that we are suppose to do and be.  That's crazy, but Stereotypes, Religion, and Free-Will exist.  You can never let a single person define you (though, there is always that one you yearn to have support from.)
      When you have more than one person as your friend you ideally have a diverse group of friends.  How so? Only because each person is different. We revel and rally in that fact.  Though, as our moral foundations dictate.  We should follow what we believe and force that belief upon our friends.  Only because our friends are a reflection of us.  Correct?  I feel otherwise on this fact.  It's because they are people with their own moral background and foundations.  They have their ideas, their beliefs, and their lives they live.
      I feel that if I do not affect those parts of them.  As in I accept that about them.  That reflects on me.  In a greater way than what they believe.  I honestly believe that if you let people live their lives and accept that.  You get more out of it.  You get a better outlook on yourself and on your friends. In a sense that life is going to reward you in more than one way. You get friends, respect, and even a better thought process for yourself.  It's better to be accepting and give privilege than to understand you have it and not do anything with it.
      As of late I have seen people upset that "They have privilege" and Trans* community have let CIS folks be more aware of it.  I am sure after reading my blog you have understood what Privilege is.  If not a quick recap is that privilege is "Having something over someone else that the person you have it over does not have."  An example would be: Let's say that I go out into public and I want to present and be talked as the gender I am presenting as (in this scenario I want to be called Female Pronouns).  So, I go out in public and get "He" and "Sir".  Even though I am wearing a dress, make up, jewelry, and feminine voice.  If I was a CIS gendered female I would automatically get "Ma'am" and "She".  Only because she is born female and doesn't have to work to get this privilege.  It is just given to her.  I on the other hand would have to work on it (Though after 8 years of being mispronouned and misgendered I really don't give a flip anymore).
     That is just one example.  I mean, even gay folks are more understood than Trans* folks.  Thus, they have privilege over Trans* people.  Trans* folks have a hard time finding partners because they are trans*.  Those who are CIS gendered do not have this problem as often.  Also, Trans* people have a higher risk of being Hate Crime'd... those who do not are more Privileged.  Depending on where you are Trans* at can be very scary.  That's something not everyone (accept LGBTQPIA folks or especially the Trans* community) worry about.  It can be worrisome to be Trans* because we are highly not privileged.
     Of course we are going to let you know that you have privilege over us.  It's a form of education and something that most people take granted.  Those who have to fight for acceptance do not take it for granted.  So, obviously we are more observant and understand what is privilege and what is not.  It's only made a big deal because we notice it more and make it aware it exist to those who have it.  So, you attack us for being observant?  That's kinda crazy.  Thus, these people are upset because we are more observant than they are. Which is okay, the fact they are upset just proves that we are correct.

Thus, is privilege and why we need to exactly keep doing what we are doing.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this Tegan, your perceptiveness has brought a little nearer the correct focus in my own struggle to socialize within a community.
