One thing that seems to rather be nibbling at me as of late is the idea of Gender Roles in society and how if someone breaks from these roles. It seems that everyone goes nuts and just either cannot handle what just happened or shuns it like an old trench coat. The simplest idea is that in today's society so many people play with Gender Roles outside of their Gender Boxes. The sense is the people who are CIS-gendered themselves seem to be doing this as well.
Let's take one of the oldest practices of Gender Roles and make it colourful! "Chivalry"; was originally used by Knights as a code of conduct towards people in their kingdoms (a greater portion of Chivalrous acts where put towards the Females). A single fact I think we fail to know about Chivalry is that when I Knight wanted to "Mark his Territory" over a single Female, he would perform acts of Chivalry to proclaim that said Female was his. As most Woman where owned by men in those times. Women where property and at many times where traded to save kingdoms or to better relationships with other kingdoms without their consent.
Ideally, the right of a woman was know and accepted. It wasn't until the 1900s when Woman finally started to make such a huge movement that it gathered momentum and finally landed Women full rights as citizens and people in most of Western Civilization as well as Europe. The fact that Women had to fight for this long is widely crazy to comprehend because it should have been never an option to oppress anyone because their gender was different.
Nowadays, we have people who embrace roles that in society we place on a certain gender because the characteristics match that of qualities we expect from a single gender. Like homemakers. We expect homemakers to be of which gender? Female. Why? Because it means for you to be someone who nurtures children all day, cleans the house, and makes the meals. So we have Nurturing being a big characteristic there. Well, I personally know Men who have taken on these roles and done a swell job and in some cases a better job then those of their equal opposite gender counterparts. Does that mean a single gender is better? No, it just means that some people have a better grasp of situations and can make the best of them, sometimes, better than others.
Personally, I fulfill gender roles on both sides of the Gender Spectrum. I love to assume roles for both Genders. I go out and chop down trees, come inside cook dinner, and even make up the beds. Frankly, I love to clean, do laundry, cook meals, dig ditches for projects around the house, and open up doors for anyone. I like to go out and make the monies, come back home and fulfill these duties as well. We fail to understand that individuals who are single do fill most gender roles at all times as well. We need to be more aware that Gender Roles are just roles. Whom fills said roles does not depend on the gender they are, but the person they are.
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